I like to live by the motto that life is short: Eat the cake, buy the shoes, take the trip.
I also believe that a balanced diet is a cupcake in each hand.
Hey, it keeps me happy, and cakes and cupcakes are meant to bring joy. Ultimately, a cake is meant for one thing: celebration. It doesn’t matter if that celebration is a milestone birthday or just a random Tuesday after a long day’s work. Don’t overlook the humble cakes, for these are my favorites, and might become your fav also - the cake that’s meant to be on your kitchen counter, available for breakfast, snack, and dessert…the cake that’s ready to greet a friend who pops in on a whim. These are the moments cake celebrates: a warm cup of coffee or tea, a sweet snack with a glass of iced tea, or a good friend who stops by on a whim.
Indulge. Trust me…you’re absolutely worth it.
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“A party without a cake is just a meeting.”
— Julia Child
“Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles.”
— Unknown