Shop My Favorite Products!
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I’m often asked about the products I use to achieve the end result and where I buy these items. Because we live semi-rural, I find myself using Amazon to get items I wouldn’t be able to find unless I drove a significant distance. I don’t often buy super expensive equipment, but I do look for quality equipment, and sometimes that does come at a price. However, I will only suggest this because I’ve learned from trial and error that sometimes, you get what you pay for. As for ingredients, I am all about high quality. I’ve tried countless types of products, and will only suggest the highest quality, just like I use in the baked goods I make for you. The products I’m suggesting to you are the exact ones I use.
The items I have linked here are products I believe will help you achieve success no matter what your skill level is, whether you’re making a hugely decorated wedding cake or boxed brownies and tub frosting. Please know I am always a resource for you! Never hesitate to ask!
Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links, and I earn a small commission from the sale of these goods.